empyrean meditation
Theodora Helgason
this supernal creation can be found in the belly
of my breath. even pluto (you are still planet
to me!) is here in abundance. pocket-sized and
poplar-sized meanings: the crisp air of
novembers, the sweet scent of city summer
nights (free from sweat, for the ocean tucked the sun
behind her ear hours ago), stepping into a subway
car to find that someone else living in your book
joined this reading room one-stop prior (you laugh
and chat, relishing this serendipitous space) & the
voluptuous curves of an ampersand, bridging your
fatigued legs home after a long day of travel. all of these
kismets are my own but not mine at all, they are the universe
speaking through me, to me, about me. and i respond,
breathing in my empyrean meditation: yes!
of my breath. even pluto (you are still planet
to me!) is here in abundance. pocket-sized and
poplar-sized meanings: the crisp air of
novembers, the sweet scent of city summer
nights (free from sweat, for the ocean tucked the sun
behind her ear hours ago), stepping into a subway
car to find that someone else living in your book
joined this reading room one-stop prior (you laugh
and chat, relishing this serendipitous space) & the
voluptuous curves of an ampersand, bridging your
fatigued legs home after a long day of travel. all of these
kismets are my own but not mine at all, they are the universe
speaking through me, to me, about me. and i respond,
breathing in my empyrean meditation: yes!